Momentus Co-Authors Award-Winning White Paper on Sustainability in Export Finance

Momentus Co-Authors Award-Winning White Paper on Sustainability in Export Finance

The White Paper was sponsored by 16 of the largest global export finance banks to look at Sustainability in Export Finance. Co-authored with Acre Impact Capital, the paper has received the Industry Innovation Award during TFX Global’s 2022 Awards, and the 2022 Industry Achievement Award from the Global Trade Review (GTR).

Momentus (formerly IFCL) co-authored the White Paper on Sustainability in Export Finance with Acre Impact Capital for the International Chamber of Commerce, sponsored by 16 of the largest global export finance banks. This paper received the Industry Innovation Award during TFX Global’s 2022 Awards Ceremony. It also won the Industry Achievement Award from the Global Trade Review (GTR) in the same year.

The paper provides a roadmap for how the 700 billion USD of export finance can be better utilized to promote the global sustainability agenda. It includes a comprehensive analysis of the current landscape of products, standards, frameworks, definitions, taxonomies, principles, and reporting tools for sustainable and climate finance.

Research for the White Paper included extensive stakeholder surveys, consultations, quantitative data analysis, and desk reviews. The paper supports Momentus’ commitment to finding pathways that bring the world closer to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Onsequat enim a mauris pellentesque scelerisque. Nunc congue pretium ex. Duis facilisis consectetur bibendum. "

- John Brown, Caribbean Development Bank